Picture Book Reviews

One of the great things about having a blog is getting the chance to tell everyone about a new picture book when you find it.
Sometimes I happily find one when I'm browsing the Web or my local book shop, sometimes it's through recommendation by a friend. However, it falls into my life though, the joy of sharing the discovery always makes me smile.

Flick finds a Friend

Flick finds a friend by Drew Fielding is a timeless tale of friendship between a cow and a mouse.

In fact Flick is a cow who, on the face of it, has everything a cow could possibly need, food, warmth and a field of beautiful grass to
eat but deep down she's unhappy because the one thing she hasn't got is a friend.

Now finding a friend for a cow is much harder than you might at first expect especially when the cow in question isn't exactly light on her feet (think big cow - heavy hooves- squashed prospective friend). However, all ends well when Flick meets Sid a little mouse with a big attitude

Flick finds a Friend really is a lovely story that parents and children will want to read over and over again and as the author Drew Fielding says 'the themes of rejection and friendship are something that we will all experience at some time in our life but it's always reassuring to realize that happiness can be found just when you least expect it!'

Flick finds a Friend is available now on Kindle

Emilio in the Snow  

Written by Alice Jackson and Silvina De Vita, 'Emilio in the Snow' is a beautiful rhyming picture book that's perfect for adults to read to their little ones and great for early readers to get their own teeth into.

In this adventure Emilio (who's a 'pocket toy') is introduced to the magical wonder of the snowy outdoors by his owner James, as they sledge, throw snowballs and make that all important snowman.

The third adventure in the 'Emilio' series, Emilio in the Snow continues in the same entrancing vein as it's predessors and doesn't disappoint.

Written in a deceptively simple and engaging style by Alice Jackson, the rhyming text is admirably complemented by Silvina De Vita's delightfully memorable illustrations, combining together to create a welcome addition to any child's bookcase.
In short I liked Emilio in the Snow a lot - but don't just take my opinion for it, why not click on the link below and check it out for yourself.

Emilio in the Snow is now available on Kindle



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