Monday, 29 October 2012

Some Cats - Top of the Kindle Bestsellers

Well 'Some Cats' had a wonderful weekend!
Downloaded hundreds of times, 'Some Cats' shot to the number one slot in the Kindle store, both here in the U.K. and also in the United States.
In fact, when  you think about it, I suppose you could say 'Some Cats' had a PURRFECT couple of days.
So thank-you to everyone that downloaded the picture book I really hoped you enjoyed it and if any of you can find the time a review would be absolutely marvellous.  

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Some Cats is FREE this weekend

'Some Cats' my brand new children's picture book is free on kindle this weekend. That's Saturday and Sunday the 27th and 28th of October. So don't buy it now, wait for the weekend and download it for free, that's right, absolutely nothing.

If you like it though (and I hope you do) a quick amazon review telling the world what you thought of it would be really appreciated.
So just to recap 'Some Cats', my brand new rhyming children's picture book for the under 4's, is FREE this weekend, the 27th and 28th of October. Download it and if you like it tell a friend.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Have you seen the Colouring Page?

Have you checked out the new colouring in page?
Last night about 2 am I woke up with the thought - 'How cool would it be to have pictures you could colour in on the website'. So this morning I did some scouting around on the internet, contacted a few technical people and 'Hey Presto' you'll now find a brand new colouring in page on the site.
Now the more eagle eyed amongst us, will immediately notice that's there's only one picture on the page so far. But I promise as the days go by I will add more images, so eventually the page will be chock-a-block with pictures to colour in.
Today's picture is Rufus the dog. One of the central characters from 'It's Time for Carrots,' my interactive book App that's available on iTunes and InteractBooks    

Monday, 22 October 2012

Some Cats is now available on Kindle

Well yesterday was a very busy day!
Some Cats, my first book that's solely available for the Kindle was published.
It's an early reader and ideal for under 4's
Hope you like it as much as I do?

Welcome to Dan Byrne Books

Hello and welcome to the first brand new posting on my brand new blog.
It's always a bit exciting when you look at a blank page that’s begging to be filled with words, but let’s put that to one side for the moment and get onto the important stuff. Namely ‘Reading’, that’s right, that’s what we’re here for, to encourage our children to read.
Now you don’t need me to tell you how important it is to start reading at an early age.  It promotes social connectivity, stimulates brain activity and nurtures the imagination, but to be truthful if it isn’t a fun activity then you’re going to have an uphill struggle with your child. That’s why I try to inject a little humour into all of my books. Admittedly it may not be to everyone’s liking, but even if one child chuckles somewhere then at least you’ve got to say it’s a start.